- Great actors & actresses to begin with such as Natalie Portman & my all time favorite Anthony Hopkins as Odin All-Father. His voice certainly befitted the character.
- From the beginning of the movie until the end, there was a lot of colorful and bright lights, and the realms were greatly differentiated with these hues of colors and shades e.g. Jotunheim (the world of the Frost Giant) was shown in blue-grey-white shades to signifies coldness and ever lasting winter.
- Asgard was magnificent! I was amazed how the city was fitted with gold & silver furnishing from the building itself and also their costumes. The reflection from the light gave the city a very elegant and splendor look.
- Besides Odin, I believe Heimdall was the second best super-hero & character in the movie (although there's very few lines). Seems that he has a very cool power of seeing & listening from distance far better than the rest, even Thor himself.
- BiFrost was the most amazing travelling contraception that I ever seen, other than the Stargate. The spinning dome & the shooting rainbow lights were a breathtaking sight! On top of that, the feeling of flying in it and then landing with a loud boom is so cool.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thor... One Cool Movie...
Friday, April 29, 2011
Quotes Of The Day
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Melanau Language 101
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sarawak... My Hometown...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sometime, I Hate Myself
Monday, April 25, 2011
Lynas... Important Facts That You Should Know
Important facts related to LYNAS Malaysia Sdn Bhd project at Gebeng Industrial Estate, Kuantan.
1.0 Matters Arising
a. Confusion on the effects of radiation or radiation exposure from LYNAS radioactive material to the public.
b. Confusion related to Asian Rare Earth Company (ARE) which operated at Bukit Merah, Perak in 1984 that utilized raw material from Monozite ore that contained 6-7% radioactive material (non-radioactive material is 93-94%), compared to LYNAS which utilized raw material from Rare Earth (Lanthanide) that only contained 0.165% radioactive material and the remaining 99.835% non-radioactive material.
2.0 Facts Related to LYNAS Project
2.1 Radiation Affect Assessment Consultant for LYNAS Project
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
2.2 Project Approval
a. Department of Environment (DOE): Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report and Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) report to LYNAS.
b. Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB): Plant construction and site operation approval
c. The State of Pahang does not prevent the placement of LYNAS Malaysia Sdn Bhd project in Gebeng Industrial Estate, Kuantan after fulfilling the requirement in para (a) and (b), abovementioned.
2.3 The Difference Between LYNAS and ARE:
Raw Material: Ore from Mount Weld, Australia
Thorium Content in Raw Material: 0.16%
Radioactive Concentration in Waste: 0.165%
b. ARE
Raw Material: Tin ore tailings (Amang)
Thorium Content in Raw Material: 6% (37% higher than LYNAS)
Radioactive Concentration in Waste: 10% (60% higher than LYNAS)
Source: AELB
2.4 Waste From LYNAS Project
a. The 3 waste generated are;
i) Synthetic Gypsum (Fuel Gas Desulphurization – FGD)
ii) Magnesium Rich Gypsum (Neutralization Underflow – NUF)
iii) Iron Phosphor Gympsum (Water Leached Purification – WLP)
b. FGD and NUF are non-radioactive.
c. Iron Phosphor Gympsum (WLP – sludge) only contained 0.165% radioactive material and the remaining 99.835% non-radioactive material.
d. These waste will be stored by LYNAS and recycled for brick manufacturing, sea-water barrier and road according to the study currently conducted.
2.5 International Standard
a. The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) have identified the method to stabilize and reduce the radioactivity level of Water Leached Purification (WLP) from 0.165% to 0.03%. Therefore, WLP is safe for general production. LYNAS will try to reduce it to 0.05%.
2.6 Radiation Exposure Comparison between LYNAS Workers & Public in Comparison With Other Industry in Milisievert (mSv)
Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Worker: 6.1 mSv/annum
CT Scan: 6.9 mSv/annum
Average for LYNAS Worker: 2.0 mSv/annum
Flight Crew: 9.0 mSv/annum
Public Exposure From LYNAS: 0.002 mSv/annum
Source: AELB
Note: Radiation exposure is a function of distance and exposure duration to the radioactive source.
2.7 Lanthanide Product Application
Lanthanide are the main component in green-technology application such as;
a. Increase in energy saving through lower energy consumption
- Compact fluorescent light
- Reducing weight in cars
- Increase in oil refinery output
b. Preservation of environment through emission control
- Auto catalytic converter
- Diesel additive
- Increase in fuel efficiency
c. Compact and powerful digital technology
- Flat panel display
- Hard disc
- iPods and MP3 players
3.0 Summary
a. The placement of LYNAS project is anticipated to bring benefit to the economic growth of the state of Pahang especially in opening job opportunities to the “rakyat” besides the opportunity in other sectors such as housing, commercial, transportation and downstream industry inclusive of Kuantan Port operation, which contributes to the increase in state’s revenue.
b. The project is safe with continuous control and monitoring from department/agency related such as DOE, AELB and local authority to all the plants operating in the industrial estates in the state of Pahang.
Published by:
Industrial Division
Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang (PKNP)
For more information, please contact;
Hj Ahmad Sabri Hussin
Industrial Manager
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I'm Quite Happy Today

Friday, April 22, 2011
People Said The Darnest Things...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Quotes Of The Day
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Top Five Moments
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Quotes Of The Day
Benjamin Franklin
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise, will sooner or later will have to find time for illness"
Edward Stanley
Monday, April 18, 2011
The First Three...

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Announcement & Quotes Of The Day
I told you so...
- Voters turnout was 70%, the highest since 1991 (Historical highest was 80% in 1969)
- Total number of registered voters are 979,796 based on 31 December electoral roll
- Total number of candidates were 123, the highest ever in history since 1969 with highest ever Independent and women candidates of 41 and 16 respectively
- Of the 71 seats, 27 had straight fights (1-on-1), 23 had 3-corner fights, 17 had 4-corner fights, 2 had 5-corner fights and 2 had 6-corner fights
- Barisan Nasional contested in all 71 seats, but only won 55 giving them the 2/3 of majority
- The losing seats were to DAP (Padungan, Pending, Kota Sentosa, Batu Kawah, Repok, Meradong, Bukit Assek, Dudong, Pelawan, Kidurong, Piasau and Pujut), PKR (Batu Lintang, Krian and Ba' Kelalan) and Independent (Pelagus)
- The Opposition and Independent contested in 142 seats, but only won 16 of them
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Where have I been...
- Kuantan Airport
- KL Sentral
- KL Convention Centre
- Bumbu Desa
- Pavilion
- Uniqlo
- GSC Pavilion
- Coffee Bean Pavilion
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Time To Fly...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Quotes Of The Day
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Lynas... Let's Do Some Reading...
KUALA LUMPUR: Lynas Corporation, which is building a controversial (1) rare earth processing plant in the (2) Gebeng industrial area, said people had the right to query it over the project.
Nicholas Curtis, executive chairman of the Australian company, maintained that the project was entirely safe.
“We are transparent about our operations and people can ask us any question,” he said.
Lynas has invested up to (3) RM700mil in the project and the plant, located in the Gebeng chemical and petrochemical hub, is expected to be operational in September.
The residents are mainly concerned over one of the proposed plant's waste products, (4) iron phospho gypsum, which contains naturally occuring low-level radioactive thorium.
The firm has said that it would place these residues in safe, reliable (5) engineered storage cells.
“I find the comments that we are here to damage the next generation of Malaysian children as offensive and upsetting to me. It's just not true,” Curtis said.
He said the project was sought-after elsewhere but Malaysia was the preferred destination due to its (6) excellent infrastructure and (7) skilled workforce.
(1) - set of 17 chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the 15 lanthanoids plus scandium and yttrium, naturally occurring and relatively very plentiful in the Earth's crust as ore deposits; the application ranges from LCDs, compact fluorescent light, wind turbine magnets and hybrid vehicles
(2) - houses world-class chemical and petrochemical industrial zone with 4 development phases totalling 8,600 hectares of land strategically located only 5 km from Kuantan Port
(3) - is also equivalent to the amount of PTPTN loan defaulters debt burden in 2008
(4) - proposed applications for this material among others are road pavement, soil conditioner, cover for landfills, roof tiles and artificial reef and oyster bed
(5) - usually achieved by shielding during handling and transport before being compacted, incinerated or shallow land burial
(6) - Kuantan Port equipped with 19 multi-type berths (maximum of 725 metres) which can cater up to 40,000 tonnes deadweight vessel with 11 metres of draft, and East Coast Expressway which connects Kuala Lumpur to Jabor (Pahang - Terengganu border) through Kuantan stretching 160 km of free-flow four-lane dual carriage expressway
(7) - as of January 2011, total Malaysian unemployed are 421,800 which is 3.4% of total labour force with 64.7% labour force participation rate (15-64 years of age) and high concentration focus in manufacturing industry
Happy reading...
Monday, April 11, 2011
2011... The Year Of...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Quotes Of The Day
Mathematics Of The 21st Century
Friday, April 8, 2011
Lynas... Have You Done Your Homework?
Things That You...
- Shopping - I've seem many promotions, discounts and sales everywhere
- Watch "Rio" - My friend told me that it's a great movie
- Visit to the beach - The weather has been great lately
- Do extra laundry - Besides the weather being great, my laundry hamper is almost to its brim
- Do house-keeping - Spring cleaning time!
... Shouldn't do this weekend
- Watch "Source Code" - Don't be fooled by the actor Jake Gyllenhaal, honestly the movie is bad!
- Wonder around KLCC - Two nights of concerts starting today, sounds like an easy way to get trapped in a car pile-up
- Visiting KL - Plus the F1 this weekend, the population will basically increases dramatically
- Eat spinach - Although it provides you with iron, but it also gives you radioactive stuff
- Eat eggs - Penangites reported that there's "fake eggs"
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Quotes Of The Day
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Yellow Dots on the RevolverMaps
- United States of America - California, Texas, New York/Vermont
- France - I think I know who this fella is (a Malaysian of course)
- Taiwan
- Singapore
- and of course from all over Malaysia...
My Precious
- My first and foremost is my 13" MacBook Pro which I purchased in August 2010. Its shy of another 4 months for its 1 year birthday. The thought of having a MacBook has been in my mind for the past couple of years when my old laptop (during my UTP days) is ceased from working maybe due to "old age", os simply because I refuse to repair it as many of the parts already obsolete! But an investment in a MacBook is the only one that guarantees your money back simply because it is sturdy, stable in terms of software and hardware, elegant and price-wise is affordable.
- Second is my handphone/mobile phone/pocket PC or whatever people called it. As of today, I'm using HTC Desire HD equipped with Android 2.2.1 OS. Previously I've been changing my phone from HTC HD7 (Windows Mobile 7), and before that Samsung Galaxy S (Android 2.1). People had been asking me why do I need to change my phone regularly? Well, simply because I want to keep up with the technology the same reason why I'm using MacBook.
- Third is my watch. Although you can basically keep track of the time using your phone, I still prefer to use the old method of time keeping by wearing a watch, and I mean mechanical watch not the digital one. Not to upset those who like G-Shock, but I despise digital watch as it lacks "life" and movement (the terms that they use for timepieces). My current watch is Fossil with hour/minute/second dials, day/month dial, moon phase dial and my favorite one is the visible escapement mechanism and the mainspring.
- Fourth is my wallet, simply because your whole life depends on it. You store your identity and money inside your wallet and carries it everywhere you go. People has certain preference on wallet, but I prefer the usual clasp-strap wallet where it can secure your wallet firmly and making sure that I never opens unnecessarily when you take it out.