The only productive thing that I do today (besides going to the office on a Labour Day public holiday) is counting my loose change coins in my lovely blue mug which has been sitting there untouched for a year more or less. It has been my old habit putting all the loose change that I got every time I went for a shopping in that mug. Once in a while I'll reuse the coins just in case there's no cash in my wallet, or just a simple stop at the pasar malam (which cost less than RM 10 for every visit). So, after the counting the final sum is as follows;
50 cents x 42 = RM 21.00
20 cents x 209 = RM 41.80
10 cents x 203 = RM 20.30
5 cents x 48 = RM2.40
So, the final count is RM 85.50!

Out from the blue mug and into the round red Famous Amos tin can...
The other thing that I like to collect is unusable bank notes. Below are a few of the RM 1 notes that I got so far.

Top right: scribbled, Top left: torn & pasted with cellophane tape, Bottom right: fungi infested, Bottom left: burnt
85 bucks can give u a decent meal at tony roma's. yumm!